EZ Water: The Fourth Phase Of Water (Part 3)


The Ultimate Guide To The Health Benefits Of Water - Part 3

We will be taking a deep dive into the health benefits of water (pun intended). The quantum water wizard, Carrie Bennett, created this content to explain everything you ever wanted to know about water, which we’ve broken into 3 parts for you. This is part 3.

EZ Water: The Fourth Phase Of Water

Mitochondria actually run 10 degrees C warmer than the rest of the cell. Why is this? Well, you remember that mitochondria make biologically pure, toxin-free, deuterium-depleted water, right? The water in our cells is not the same as the liquid H2O “bulk water” we find in a glass of water from the faucet. It’s actually been found to be an entirely different phase of water altogether. Let’s dive in.


You may recall from grade school science class that water supposedly exists in three phases: solid, liquid and gas.  However, newer research has found that water also exists in a fourth phase called exclusion zone water (EZ water), a phase of water that is structured like ice but still a liquid. I call it a liquid crystal. I am going to direct this conversation to this EZ water that exists in our body but EZ has also been found in plants, clouds, dewdrops and more.

Before I jump into the amazing characteristics of EZ water, let me first take you inside of a human cell. Again, I was misled by all my biology textbooks. When I pictured a cell inside my body (of which there are trillions), I pictured something resembling a bag of fluid with various organelles, molecules and proteins swimming around and randomly bumping into each other to create reactions.

Boy, was I mistaken. Dr. James Oschman has really opened my eyes as to what the inside of a cell really looks like starting with his concept of “the living matrix.” I’ll touch on the living matrix a bit later, but suffice it to say, the inside of a cell is packed full of an architectural protein called the cytoskeleton. Among other things, the cytoskeleton provides structure and anchoring points for all the other proteins and organelles (such as mitochondria) in the cell.  And this cytoskeleton is EVERYWHERE, like an all-pervasive spider web crisscrossing its way all throughout the cell’s interior. Connected or very near this cytoskeleton are thousands of organelles, proteins and molecules. In other words, the inside of the cell is more crowded than a frat house on a Saturday night.


What Is The Fourth Phase Of Water?

Why am I taking the time to go into this? Well, going back to EZ water - this fourth phase of water - it’s important to recognise that EZ water forms its fourth phase whenever it comes into contact with a “hydrophilic” or “water-loving” surface. It turns out that almost every protein, molecule and organelle in the cell has a hydrophilic surface.  This means that EZ water spontaneously forms around everything in a packed cell.

EZ formation is enhanced by exposure to light. Specifically, light in the infrared spectrum can cause the EZ to expand hugely. This means that when we expose our bodies to infrared light/heat, we create more of this very important, highly ordered water in our cells.

What Exactly Is EZ Water?

EZ water is a type of water found inside every cell of the body and is essential to healthy cell function. EZ provides the cell with its optimum negative charge, it helps hold cellular proteins in their extended shape for optimum protein-protein interactions and even serves as a body-wide communication network.

As I mentioned before, EZ water stands for "exclusion zone" water. It is called an exclusion zone because it literally excludes/blocks anything bigger than an electron. EZ forms around hydrophilic surfaces that pack the inside of the cell. So essentially our cells are full of EZ water (or at least they should be for optimum function).

EZ water is a bit different than H2O. Its chemical formula is actually H3O2. This is because to form the EZ, the -OH part of H2O (O-H-O) links together to form a honeycomb-like structure. This honeycomb linkage creates a different "texture"/viscosity than liquid water and actually forms more of a gel-like consistency. 

That means that we have a lattice of gel-like water around every hydrophilic surface in our body, which acts kind of like a force field because it blocks anything bigger than an electron from penetrating it. 

Side note:

Everything except photons of light is bigger than an electron so EZ makes a pretty powerful force field (also an excellent photon trap, but we can geek out about that later).

Because the EZ contains only the -OH part of the water, that makes it negatively charged. Why is this important? I mentioned previously that EZ water helps cells keep a negative charge. Cells need to have a charge of approximately -50mV in order to have enough electrical energy to function. It is hypothesised that EZ water can easily explain this negative resting potential of a cell.

What Causes EZ Water To Form?

Research out of Gerald Pollack's lab has shown that EZ water can "grow" bigger when exposed to infrared light.  Infrared light is also known as heat. We get infrared exposure in many ways but the two that I want to highlight in this discussion are:

1. From the sun

2. From our mitochondria

Electromagnetic Radiation And The Human Body

Geek out with me:

We are completely surrounded and also completely penetrated by all sorts of electromagnetic waves. These waves are essentially just energy that is generated by various things such as the sun and other stars, our own body processes from heartbeat to thoughts, cell phone towers, Wi-Fi radiation, and more. We are always bathing in a sea of these waves made up of invisible subatomic particles (like photons). In reality, what the human eye can actually “see” and perceive all around us is only 4% of the energy that is actually there. The other 96% is stuff we cannot actually see or feel consciously but the body has different ways of interacting with it, including capturing many of these frequencies in EZ water.

Remember, an energy such as photons and other electromagnetic waves in our environment provides information to our cells. This EMF information is crucial for a cell to be able to determine its environmental pressures and how to adapt and respond for survival in real-time. It makes sense that we have a way to interact with the EMF fields around us even though we cannot perceive them.

EZ Water Is a Liquid Crystal

In physics, liquid crystals are known for their ability to interact with light and other EMFs in interesting ways.  Because a liquid is organised it can actually show coherent areas where all of the water molecules are aligned in the exact same way. This causes light to pass through it in a coherent form - a lot like a laser beam. This "laser beam" is essentially one "type" of light that contains instructions for the cell. As electrical beings, communication in the body cannot primarily happen by the slow biochemical reactions that we've been taught. It has to happen with something faster. A liquid crystal entirely connected throughout the body that can also interact with all sorts of electromagnetic fields is exactly the network needed for fast communication that can be felt both locally and throughout the entire system.

What Exactly Is Infrared Light Or Heat?

Just outside of the range of visible light (the ROYGBIV colours that we can actually see in a rainbow) is a wavelength of light we cannot see called infrared. It is a longer wavelength than visible light. We can feel it as heat.

So what does this have to do with EZ? Upon exposure to infrared, the EZ expands. And it can stay expanded for a long time even when the source of EZ is removed, such as a heat lamp.

Remember when I mentioned that our mitochondria run 10 degrees C hotter than the rest of the cell? Does it make sense as to why that occurs now? Mitochondria are capable of making both water and infrared heat as part of their natural energy production pathway.

That's perfect! We have everything we need in each cell to make lots of EZ: lots of hydrophilic surfaces, water and infrared. So to allow your body to build EZ, take good care of your mitochondria so they can make water and infrared heat and also expose your body to infrared from the sun as much as you can.

Besides providing a negative charge for our cells, EZ water can actually form a "battery" for us that can power work in our cells.

How Does EZ Water Or Structured Water Improve Our Health?

Well, recall that the EZ forms a negatively charged lattice linking the -OH parts of the water together. Basically, it separates the -OH from the other “H” in the H2O to form. So what happens to the other H? Did that other H just disappear?

It turns out that the Hs accumulate strongly just on the edge of the -OH EZ liquid crystal lattice. And since it is coming from water, this H is actually “H+” AKA a proton (technically it is a hydronium ion).

Protons have a positive charge. So this means next to a hydrophilic surface, there is a band of EZ water linked together in a liquid crystal that has a negative charge. And just next to it is a band of hydronium ions with a positive charge. Ever look closely at a battery? It has one end labeled positive and the other end labeled as negative. This is called "charge separation" and when you have charge separation, you have the ability to create electricity/energy/work.

That's why we use batteries for things that need power/electricity. For example, the charge separation in a battery is transformed into a movement in a toy.

This same thing can happen with the EZ water inside of us. It creates a charge separation that becomes an almost limitless source of "free" energy. I consider this a very big deal! This is a source of energy that is rarely discussed in any biology class but has the potential to be a huge source of energy for the body beyond the electrons that we get from our food.

That means maximising EZ water production in our body via regular sunlight exposure, sauna therapies, making our mitochondria fat-burning, water-making machines and cold thermogenesis that can actually provide our body with more energy (beyond ATP) from which it can draw upon to work. Pretty amazing!

Geek out with me:

Cold thermogenesis, also known as cold therapy, is a potent strategy to both shrink the ETC proteins plus make more EZ water. Cold thermogenesis involves sitting in a tub of cold water (ideally 50-55 degrees F). How does this help the mitochondria? Mitochondria have the ability to do something called "uncouple." They can uncouple from their job of making ATP and instead they can make more heat (infrared). When mitochondria sense our core body temperature dropping, they quickly uncouple to heat us back up. More infrared produced means the mitochondria are creating more EZ water inside of them. Since EZ water is more dense and structured than regular water, it helps pull the mitochondria back into their ideal shape, which brings the ETC proteins back into an appropriate distance for electron tunnelling.

“Although we understand much of what goes on inside cells at a molecular level, we don't know how all the molecules can work together as a whole. Much useful biochemistry has been discovered using dilute preparations from homogenised dead cells, but living cells are very different, and contain more concentrated solutes and more organised proteins. Indeed, test tube experiments may mislead us, and it should come as no surprise to find that living cells possess characteristics that are very much more than the sum of their parts.”

Martin Chaplin is Professor of Applied Science, London South Bank University, UK, with special interests in the interactions between water and biological molecules. (R)

Practical Takeaways To Improve the EZ Water In Your Body

Water made by the mitochondria is key to intracellular hydration. These strategies support mitochondrial health (and especially mitochondrial water/ATP production):

  1. Red Light Therapy/NIR Therapy:
    Invest in a red light therapy device to improve cytochrome c oxidase function and mitochondrial water production.
    I recommend EMR-TEK and go for the FireStorm. It has the power needed to improve your health. This is key. Use the link here and the 20% off discount code LIVEVITAE20.

2. Try a ketogenic approach with liberal animal fats but be mindful that you need to stimulate a calorie deficit in order to optimize body composition. Eat slightly less but do so using your brain and whilst feeding your body with nutrient-dense seafood, protein, fats, and local seasonal plants.

3. Practice Cold Thermogenesis regularly or an outdoor cold tub link or use a bathtub or cold shower.

4. Drink lower deuterium water from glacial areas or try deuterium depleted water.

5. Try an Infrared Sauna that is low nnEMF producing.

6. Fasted brisk walks in the morning and/or train not fasted (quality over quantity)

7. More sun exposure applied with common sense or go on holiday inside the tropics.

8. Intermittent fasting but aligned with the light and dark cycle.

9. Use a nutrient-dense diet such as bone broths, Seafood, and coconut oil.

10. The best til last:
Work directly with a nutritional therapist such as Ryan to receive specifically tailored recommendations to optimise your mitochondrial function and ‘wellgevity’.

We hope you’ve enjoyed Part 3 of how water is more than what you drink. Part 4 can be found here when it’s available.

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The content of this article was written by Carrie Bennett - Founder of 2% Better Health Podcast and the Quantum Health Course.

Carrie has a Master's Degree in Applied Clinical Nutrition and has been seeing clients in private practice for over 10 years. Her 2% strategies stem from extensive clinical experience.